Introduction: Leah dee Kilgore

Hello all.

It is always exciting to learn new items, but first the end of the year must happen as after Spring break, actually prior, all testing season breaks out.

I teach AP CSA, AP CSP, Game Design, and Introduction to Digital Technology. A lesson with pi’s will be interesting for next year after I rest for a little while. My first 3 weeks of school are busy as I am a AP CSA Reader and will be in Kansas City, have work to do with my school on SREB (Southern Regional Education Board) as well as several county items. GACTE will be coming up in July for the Summer Conference and then scattered other county meetings. My summer is busy, but will need to plan for a pi adventure for a class or two. I

I hold certification in Math and Computer Science and have worked in the Computer Science field in a major company and as a consultant, in banking, tax, and manufacturing. I hold a doctorate in Teaching and Learning with a Leadership component.

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