Introducing... Bob Brown

Hello! I’m Bob Brown from Kennesaw State University. I worked in the computing industry for 30 years and began teaching college classes part-time in 1996. I found out I loved teaching, so in 2003 I retired from my industry job to teach college full time. Now I’ve retired from KSU, too, but not from teaching. I love visiting K-12 classrooms and helping kids learn about computers. Ask me!

I’ve also organized what is turning out to be a series of Raspberry Pi workshops for K-12 teachers. It’s an enormous amount of fun, even if I do have to get up at dark-thirty on workshop days.

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Hi Bob. Thanks for all of your support in our K-12 classrooms, including MINE!

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You know I have fun doing that, right? :grinning:

It’s much more fun than driving this computer, so please invite me again next year.